
Should I Close Newly-opened Accounts If They Hurt My Scores?

One of the biggest mistakes that account holders always commit is opening too many new accounts at the same time. They then find out that their scores have taken a hit because it has shortened the average age of the credit, shortens credit history, and adds too many...

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Kroger Threatens to Ban Visa Amid Fee Dispute

Foods Co. has announced that it will no longer be accepting payment from customers that are using Visa-issued credit cards as of mid-August amid clashes over payment fees and rates.   Foods Co. is a California subsidiary of Kroger, the largest supermarket chain the...

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Hang on to Your Cards: Earn Points by Doing Nothing

Well, technically not nothing. More and more banks are giving rewards to customers to hold on to their credit cards. This came as more and more people sign up for new cards only to ditch these cards as soon as new cards with new rewards pop up. Instead of chasing...

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Beware of Predators: The Dangers of Predatory Lending

The practice of predatory lending has become a commonality in the mortgage industry today. This practice is defined as any unfair action or deceptive tactic that a lender uses to take advantage of a borrower’s lack of understanding about loans, terms, or finances and...

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Are You in a Debt Trap?

Do you feel like you’ve been paying your credit card bills in forever? Do you feel like all the payments you’ve been making still haven’t made a dent on your debt? Do you feel like your bill debt payments will never end? Then you might be in a debt trap. Debt Trapped...

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Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt Using Balance Credit Cards

Getting out of a debt hole is no easy task. If you’ve accumulated a huge amount of credit card debt, then perhaps you should consider a balance transfer credit card to help you get out of debt. Balance transfer credit cards give you the opportunity to clear your debt...

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‘Shimming’ is the New Credit Card Skimming

Remember the days when skimming was the go-to method for scammers to gain your information when using ATMs or POS terminals at gas stations? You know, the ones where they attach false fronts to the terminals to gain information from your card’s magnetic strip? Well,...

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6 Things You Should Never Put on Your Credit Card

Almost anything can be purchased or paid for using your credit card these days. That’s because credit cards are a powerful financial tool. However, to quote Uncle Ben in Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.” As a general rule, just because you can...

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